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Counseling and Tutoring Resources

Please note that resources listed below are for informational purposes only and are not affiliated with Dennis Chavez Elementary School and Albuquerque Public Schools. Please make sure to check with your insurance provider for coverage information. DCES and APS are not financially liable for any services received. While we have not received negative feedback, DCES and APS cannot guarantee the quality of services.

Clothing Assistance

Please let me know if your student is in need of clothing or school supplies.

The Clothing Bank

The APS Clothing Bank is available to help students in need of clothing. Students can request assistance up to two times a year and will receive socks, underwear, shoes and a voucher for some outfits. Please feel free to email or call me. I will need the following information when you get in touch:

Student's Name, Teacher's Name, Shoe size*, Sock and Underwear Size, and Coat size**.

*Shoes are difficult to obtain. Only include shoe size if your child is in real need. Also, state the reason for the need.

**Coats are not always available.

Locker 505

Locker 505 is a non-profit organization that families can take their children to get some clothing. You will need a referral from me in order to visit. Please call if your student needs some help with clothing. For more information on Locker 505, please check their website.

Food Services

The City of Albuquerque Food Service Program for Children provides free meals at various locations around the city. Click on the link below to find out more information and specific site locations.

A location close to DCES is at Ranchos de Palomas Park-­Wyoming & Palomas NE.

Roadrunner Food Bank

Black Panther perched at a rock

School Counselor

Ashley McKenna
School Counselor

Phone: (505) 821-1810
Ext. 34112

  • Phone: 505.821.1810 x5

Fun Summer Activities

Summer is almost upon us. Here are some links to fun activities for children and families: